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Meg Anderson Portrait_Low Res (4 of 39).jpg

Megan Anderson is a recovering journalist. She wrote features for The West Australian newspaper for a few good years, and her freelance writing has appeared in Travel + Leisure, The Qantas magazine, Broadsheet, The Sydney Morning Herald, Delicious, Inside Out and Country Style.


She was editor of lifestyle magazine Scoop, may it rest in peace, and took up dogs soon afterwards. She blogged through the worst of the pandemic, then discovered flash fiction. She now passes very agreeable days in Albany as an artist, short fiction writer, wordsmith for hire, editor, proof reader and knocker-into-shape of all manner of projects.


She's a stickler for detail but annoyingly inconsistent when it comes to her own name. Megan or Meg? She prefers the latter, but has published since the dark ages under the former and feels rather stuck with it. She'll answer to either, but if it’s Megan, think Duchess of Sussex (different spelling, correct pronunciation). 

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